All materials produced by and available on The ADA Compliance Course ( and its associated properties / channels are copyright © Kris Rivenburgh, The ADA Book, The ADA Compliance Course, and All rights are reserved.
Associated channels include but are not limited to Patreon, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and podcast platforms. All content and materials – paid or free – produced by Kris Rivenburgh is intellectual property of Kris Rivenburgh, The ADA Book, The ADA Compliance Course and and is subject to copyright.
You may not copy, edit, change, update, rename, sell / resell, supplement, add to, bundle, white label, private label, password protect, and/or take credit for any materials – free or purchased – in any way unless otherwise agreed to (e.g., through a licensing agreement).
You may share your ADA Compliance Course with your team, subject to the number of “seats” or team members you purchased for. The ADA Compliance Course has different tiers based on how many team members you will be providing access to. Regardless of “seats” purchased, you may not share access broadly to those outside of your organization. Your purchase may only be shared to team members who are working on your website.
If you are unsure of how you may share access, contact me at
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